Ha salido esta recopilación de los mejores proyectos de la gran revista "Make".
Fijaros en el espectacular índice que tiene (os he marcado los espectaculares):
Chapter 1: TOOLS
Your Electronics Workbench
The Maker’s Ultimate Tools
Tight-Fit Workbench
Sketchup Workbench
Freedom to Unscrew
Keychain Survival Tools
Your Electronics Workbench
The Maker’s Ultimate Tools
Tight-Fit Workbench
Sketchup Workbench
Freedom to Unscrew
Keychain Survival Tools
The 5-in-1 Network Cable
VCR Cat Feeder
Gun-Operated Alarm Clock
Rumble Mouse
My Love Affair with LEDs
LED Throwies
Magnetic Switches from Everyday Things
Microcontroller Programming
Arduino Fever
The MAKE Controller
Propeller Chip
It’s Email Time
Firefly Meter
Microcontroller Programming
Arduino Fever
The MAKE Controller
Propeller Chip
It’s Email Time
Firefly Meter
Chapter 4: TOYS & GAMES
Circuit Bending
Homebrew Game Design
Pinball, Resurrected
Game Boy Hacks
Hacking the C64 DTV
Circuit Quiz Game
Sticky Fingers
Custom Travel-Game Mod
Circuit Bending
Homebrew Game Design
Pinball, Resurrected
Game Boy Hacks
Hacking the C64 DTV
Circuit Quiz Game
Sticky Fingers
Custom Travel-Game Mod
Chapter 5: ROBOTS
Two BEAMbots: Trimet and Solarroller
Mousey the Junkbot
Pummer, Dude!
Roomba Hacks
Hack a Robosapien
Two BEAMbots: Trimet and Solarroller
Mousey the Junkbot
Pummer, Dude!
Roomba Hacks
Hack a Robosapien
Chapter 6: MUSIC
Cigar Box Guitar
The $5 Cracker Box Amplifier
Homecasting Digital Music
Surround Sound, Quick N’ Dirty
Mint-Tin Amp
World’s Loudest iPod
MIDI Controller Monkey
Cigar Box Guitar
The $5 Cracker Box Amplifier
Homecasting Digital Music
Surround Sound, Quick N’ Dirty
Mint-Tin Amp
World’s Loudest iPod
MIDI Controller Monkey
The Jam Jar Jet
Soda Bottle Rocket
Rocket-Launched Camcorder
Building an Ornithopter
The Night Lighter 36
Paper Water Bomber
The Jam Jar Jet
Soda Bottle Rocket
Rocket-Launched Camcorder
Building an Ornithopter
The Night Lighter 36
Paper Water Bomber
Pinhole Panoramic Camera & Pin-O-Rama Photo Gallery
Digital Kirlian Photography
Single-Use Digicam for Kite Aerial Photography
Stop Motion Animation, the Easy Way
The Fauxlance Photographer
3D Photography
How to Drink Beer on C-SPAN
Tilt-Shift Photography
Outdoor Webcam Enclosure
Pinhole Panoramic Camera & Pin-O-Rama Photo Gallery
Digital Kirlian Photography
Single-Use Digicam for Kite Aerial Photography
Stop Motion Animation, the Easy Way
The Fauxlance Photographer
3D Photography
How to Drink Beer on C-SPAN
Tilt-Shift Photography
Outdoor Webcam Enclosure
Chapter 9: CARS & ENGINES
Two-Can Stirling Engine
Wind Powered Generator
Mod Your Rod
Urban Camouflage
Windup Car
Curie Engine
Two-Can Stirling Engine
Wind Powered Generator
Mod Your Rod
Urban Camouflage
Windup Car
Curie Engine
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